Healing of the Land – Bavaria
BayernOnce more Aoisanam will travel to Bavaria for another co-creation with her Bavarian sisters. Rituals will be co-created to facilitate the Healing of the Land related to transgenerational trauma that […]
Once more Aoisanam will travel to Bavaria for another co-creation with her Bavarian sisters. Rituals will be co-created to facilitate the Healing of the Land related to transgenerational trauma that […]
Wist je dat ongeheelde emoties in een familiesysteem – zonder het te weten – doorgegeven worden aan volgende generaties? En dat dit in volgende generaties kan leiden tot vastlopen in […]
This Online Zoom Conference will include presentations and discussion about a range of Integrative Therapies. Each speaker will speak for 25-30 minutes, and there will be opportunities for discussion and […]
Online Zoom Workshop Series: Journeying into your Family Tree – Reconnect to your Roots and set yourself Free from patterns and beliefs ingrained in the family system. Description: Did you […]
Vraag jij je ook wel eens af waarom je je vaak ergert aan dezelfde personen? Voel je je angstig, moe of uitgeput? Ervaar je - ondanks je drukke bestaan - […]