Every Monday Celtic Gutha (mantra) – online (English)

I am inviting you to travel with me on the ancient sounds of the Celtic Gutha (= mantras). In the online zoom circle we will together explore and experience the healing qualities of the sounds our ancestors were singing long before us. The Gutha are heart opening and a way to re-connect with your soul. […]

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Online Zoom Workshop Series: Journeying into your Family Tree – Reconnect to your Roots and set yourself Free from patterns and beliefs ingrained in the family system.

Online Zoom Workshop Series: Journeying into your Family Tree – Reconnect to your Roots and set yourself Free from patterns and beliefs ingrained in the family system. Description: Did you ever feel like you are carrying around a burden that is not yours alone? Have you ever wondered about the untold stories handed down in […]


Trouwen met Jezelf – Live 3 dagen

Vraag jij je ook wel eens af waarom je je vaak ergert aan dezelfde personen? Voel je je angstig, moe of uitgeput? Ervaar je - ondanks je drukke bestaan - een leegte? Heb je het idee dat wat je ook probeert, je steeds weer in dezelfde thema's terecht komt en hebben alle zelfhulpboeken en tips […]
