Walk of Love – Ritual – Online (English)

Regularly, mostly on or around the festivals on the year wheel, I am offering an online ritual called the Walk of Love. This is a personal healing ritual which will guide you to retrieve a lost part of yourself and gather it back into your heart. Although there is space for sharing your personal experience, […]

by donation

Healing of the Land – Bavaria


Once more Aoisanam will travel to Bavaria for another co-creation with her Bavarian sisters. Rituals will be co-created to facilitate the Healing of the Land related to transgenerational trauma that needs more awareness and acknowledgement.

Familieopstellingendag – live

Wist je dat ongeheelde emoties in een familiesysteem – zonder het te weten – doorgegeven worden aan volgende generaties? En dat dit in volgende generaties kan leiden tot vastlopen in verschillende levensgebieden? Net zolang totdat iemand ze in het bewustzijn brengt zodat het oude trauma geheeld kan worden? Ben je benieuwd naar de rode draad […]


Online Zoom Conference: Integrative Therapy, 1 December 2024

This Online Zoom Conference will include presentations and discussion about a range of Integrative Therapies. Each speaker will speak for 25-30 minutes, and there will be opportunities for discussion and Q & A. Aoisanam: Psychosynthesis; Does the Psyche Need to be Synthesized? Aoisanam will share about Psychosynthesis, the integrative therapy which lies at the foundation of […]


Online Zoom Workshop Series: Journeying into your Family Tree – Reconnect to your Roots and set yourself Free from patterns and beliefs ingrained in the family system.

Online Zoom Workshop Series: Journeying into your Family Tree – Reconnect to your Roots and set yourself Free from patterns and beliefs ingrained in the family system. Description: Did you ever feel like you are carrying around a burden that is not yours alone? Have you ever wondered about the untold stories handed down in […]


Trouwen met Jezelf – Live 3 dagen

Vraag jij je ook wel eens af waarom je je vaak ergert aan dezelfde personen? Voel je je angstig, moe of uitgeput? Ervaar je - ondanks je drukke bestaan - een leegte? Heb je het idee dat wat je ook probeert, je steeds weer in dezelfde thema's terecht komt en hebben alle zelfhulpboeken en tips […]
